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Astrological Signs & Planets Rulerships of the Body

·        Aries - head, face, brain, eyes

·        Taurus - throat, neck, thyroid gland, vocal tract

·        Gemini - arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, nervous system, brain

·        Cancer - chest, breasts, stomach, alimentary canal

·        Leo - heart, chest, spine, spinal column, upper back

·        Virgo - digestive system, intestines, spleen, nervous system

·        Libra - kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocks

·        Scorpio - reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system

·        Sagittarius - hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve

·        Capricorn - knees, joints, skeletal system

·        Aquarius - ankles, calves, circulatory system

·        Pisces - feet, toes, lymphatic systemadipose tissue

·        Sun - heart, spine, and general vitality

·        Moon - stomach, digestive system, female organs, lymphatic system

·        Mercury - brain, central nervous system, thyroid gland, five senses, hands

·        Venus - throat, kidneys, thymus gland, sense of touch, ovaries

·        Mars - muscles, head, adrenal glands, senses of smell and taste

·        Jupiter - liver, thighs, feet, growth, pituitary gland

·        Saturn - skin, hair, teeth, bones, the body's defenses, spleen

·        Uranus - parathyroid gland, neural activity, aura

·        Neptune - pineal gland, psychic healing

·        Pluto - pancreas, metabolism, elimination

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Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP: Get In Touch 615-557-5667

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Marvin Wilkerson, Astrologer

Brentwood, TN.

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