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Specialized Astrology Consultations:Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Specialized Astrology


Progressed/Transit Chart: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Progressed/Transit Chart

 This reading can provide insights into each passing time frame for six months to a year. These charts give you knowledge of the energy the universe is asserting. You provide the circumstances of life and a reading can provide valuable insights to help you face current issues, including why you feel or think like you do and forecast upcoming situations. (Of course an astrology map will reveal where circumstances are occurring in your life.)

Solar Return Chart: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Solar Return Chart

This is a map of the yearly return to the birth moment. This chart can provide knowledge of the areas of life that may be emphasized over the coming year. Timing is everything in our life. The solar return chart can give clarity about the right time and season for activities. Where will the emphasis in your life be? This reading is a forecast like the changing of seasons. 

Relationship/Synastry Chart: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Relationship/Synastry Chart 

This reading can give insights into romance, partnerships or lack thereof. The whys or differences can be explored. Sometimes just understanding the needs of others is all we need to accept others to give them support for their needs and, in return, get support for ours. Great cooperation can be easier when you understand the strengths and weaknesses of a relationship. How we work together is the foundation of how we love together. This reading can provide insights into where you are in the cycle of finding a new relationship. 

Before we can build, before we can transform, before we can condemn or destroy, we must know that which we are. 

-J. Krishnamurti

Business Consultation: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Business Consultation

This reading will explore the entire business. From the national and economic climate to how your business is affected by those environments. What is the state of the owner, CEO or the employees? Will advertising pay off now or is this the best time for expansion? Is this the right time to start a new business? The questions are endless as well are the answers. Large or small, a business forecast can be as helpful as any professional a person consults. It is recommended that a Package of Three be purchased to spend a comprehensive amount of time exploring the depths of your business. 


*Note: Marvin has been self-employed for most of 40 years. He pioneered over 15 companies and was a highly decorated manager in a Fortune 200 company for 10 years. He continues to be involved in the stock market while monitoring the international business climate.

Cycle & Phase: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Cycle & Phase

There are many evolving patterns between planetary pairs that show where we are evolving through the definition of these planets working together. For example, a look at Venus and Mars will show how we are working out our relationship issues, among other things. Each part of that evolution is divided into separate phases and requires a different response. These patterns are part of the circle/cycles of life we know as the beginning and ending of all things. The phase within a cycle/circle provides understanding that allows us to respond in a positive manner for more effective results. Healing all conflict in our lives is a process. Knowing where you are in the process allows for a different insight and the exercises needed to release and let go of present and past conflict. This reading empowers you to immediately take control of your life in day to day activities. 

Sabian Symbol Reading: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Sabian Symbol Reading

There are many evolving patterns between planetary pairs that show where we are evolving through the definition of these planets working together. For example, a look at Venus and Mars will show how we are working out our relationship issues, among other things. Each part of that evolution is divided into separate phases and requires a different response. These patterns are part of the circle/cycles of life we know as the beginning and ending of all things. The phase within a cycle/circle provides understanding that allows us to respond in a positive manner for more effective results. Healing all conflict in our lives is a process. Knowing where you are in the process allows for a different insight and the exercises needed to release and let go of present and past conflict. This reading empowers you to immediately take control of your life in day to day activities. 

Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn risen on mid-noon, and under every deep a lower deep opens. 

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Chaldean Chart Reading: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Chaldean Chart Reading

This reading is an astrological interpretation from the ancient days of Babylon. This is the astrology of kings. It is a reading about others in your life. How others respond to you and vice versa. Much is gained from the insight a Chaldean (kal-de-an) interpretation provides. Why we receive support from others in some areas of our lives but not in others. Why our activities receive rave reviews but go unrecognized in other areas. Kings wanted to know about wars, conquering, and how they were seen by their people. Now, there is benefit to know who we are as individuals and personality; but how do we see ourselves in contrast to how others view us in different areas of our life? We all have supporters in life but where are our enemies and why are they there? How do we temper our thinking and decisions to find common ground? Where are your secret enemies? This reading presents you with how you are viewed by others and why. 

Evolutionary Astrology Reading: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

​Evolutionary Astrology Reading

This is a powerful interpretation that looks deeply into our past lives, habits, feelings, thought patterns and actions. Many questions are answered. Memories, recurring dreams, needs, insecurities are all subjects of past programming. The universe is an ever evolving source. If each individual is connected to a source, understanding each individual as its own creativity source, then is the source evolving? This is the most in-depth consulting an individual can receive. It provides a psychological and personal connection at the deepest levels of who you are. It can provided freedom from the past, as well as freedom for the future, from that which hinders your growth. We are the totality of our experiences, past and present, but now it’s time to become something more. To be in the moment we must be free from the past. 

Eclipse Patterns: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Eclipse Patterns

Eclipses highlight the major activity in our lives and where our attention is focused at any moment in time. There is an average of four eclipses every year and each impact our lives for about six months. Each eclipse is connected to a larger cycle of eclipses that we refer to as a family of eclipse patterns. Each pattern and eclipse will have a different definition of activity in your life. We will explore your pre-birth patterns to the current and future patterns. This deep knowledge provides some of the most in-depth material about your life. 

Our psyche is set up in accord with the structure of the universe, and what happens in the macrocosm likewise happens in the infinitesimal and most subjective reaches of the psyche.

- C. G. Jung 

Exploring Family Dynamics: Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP

Exploring Family Dynamics

This reading provides insights into the roots of who you are. Your treasure chest of tools and abilities in life come from your family. The family represents those that played a role in establishing all that we perceive in our lives. Why did they play the role and how did that set the stage for our experiences? Do we need to continue to hang on to those experiences? How did we respond then and now? Is there any blame or excuse tied to those events that form who we are? These and many more questions can be explored for reasons and answers. 

Marvin Lee Wilkerson, Astro-Psychology, Certified Hypnotist, Master NLP
Spiritual Interpretation Marv Wilkerson Astrology

Spiritual Interpretation

This is an interpretation using evolutionary astrology, karmic astrology, sabian symbols and the spiritual rays of illumination. There are many aspects and features to who we are as personalities and souls. If you believe we are evolving into a merging with the source, then this reading can give you insights into that goal. All challenges in our life are the tests leading to perfection. Are our ideals coming from our soul or are they still a program from without? There are many spiritual truths and laws that come from human experiences. There are esoteric meanings to what we face in our lives. Where are you on the path of illumination? This can be explored from your perspective with the analysis of your birth and present life. You supply the answers from this objective evaluation, as you are the only one that knows your truths.  

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